

Be Free: Breaking Free From Demonic Yokes


My thoughts for years have been on the lifestyle and behavioral pattern of both believers and unbelievers, and between two categories of believers, first those who adhere to and keep or obey the word, laws, ordinances and sayings of Jehovah God and secondly those who does not but merely profess to be Christians just by word of mouth and not by their deeds or lifestyle.

I found out that it is not only in the fruit, lifestyle or character of Christ in their lives that they differ but that the first set of Christians are free from the ensnarement of Satan and having been set free by Christ Jesus who came to set the captives free from the yoke of bondage.

The second group also was set free at initial salvation process by the power of the blood of Jesus but the fact that they still walk in the flesh, go back to the besetting sin or like a dog go back to his vomit make them to be ensnared or held captive by the devil and yoked and in incarceration or bondages.

“…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil”

1 John 3:8

Hordes of people on planet Earth today are held captive in their soul by Satan the prince of the air or ruler of darkness. They are imprisoned, locked up, and incarcerated in their minds and emotions. They are held like slaves, prisoners, or detainees who are under custody and live at the mercy of their captor.

Many so called believers are in this category. These have been born again and belong to Jesus, and they legally have every right to freedom, but they remain in spiritual bondage, at least in some measure, in certain areas of their lives having violated certain spiritual laws and they are hereby ensnared. They must have persisted in a particular sin or failed to do something they should have done (such as read and live the Word, pray, do spiritual warfare or stay in fellowship). They broke the edge and the serpent will bite, their minds were peered open wide enough for Satan to find an inroad to come in and take that part of their minds captive.

My thoughts for years have been on the lifestyle and behavioral pattern of both believers and unbelievers, and between two categories of believers, first those who adhere to and keep or obey the word, laws, ordinances and sayings of Jehovah God and secondly those who does not but merely profess to be Christians just by word of mouth and not by their deeds or lifestyle.

I found out that it is not only in the fruit, lifestyle or character of Christ in their lives that they differ but that the first set of Christians are free from the ensnarement of Satan and having been set free by Christ Jesus who came to set the captives free from the yoke of bondage.

The second group also was set free at initial salvation process by the power of the blood of Jesus but the fact that they still walk in the flesh, go back to the besetting sin or like a dog go back to his vomit make them to be ensnared or held captive by the devil and yoked and in incarceration or bondages.

“…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil”

1 John 3:8

Hordes of people on planet Earth today are held captive in their soul by Satan the prince of the air or ruler of darkness. They are imprisoned, locked up, and incarcerated in their minds and emotions. They are held like slaves, prisoners, or detainees who are under custody and live at the mercy of their captor.

Many so called believers are in this category. These have been born again and belong to Jesus, and they legally have every right to freedom, but they remain in spiritual bondage, at least in some measure, in certain areas of their lives having violated certain spiritual laws and they are hereby ensnared. They must have persisted in a particular sin or failed to do something they should have done (such as read and live the Word, pray, do spiritual warfare or stay in fellowship). They broke the edge and the serpent will bite, their minds were peered open wide enough for Satan to find an inroad to come in and take that part of their minds captive.


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