

Recreated To Become Like Jesus


Becoming a Christian requires that you know the Lord Jesus Christ intimately. You need to know who He claimed to be, that is eternal God in human flesh. You must know most of the things He did and taught. You need to understand that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He was raised bodily from the dead. But beyond these facts, you need to know Christ personally. That relationship begins at the moment you recognize that your sins have separated you from God and that you need a Savior.

We also realize that you cannot save yourself from God’s judgment through your efforts or good works. We let go of all human merit, and we call upon the Lord God to be merciful to us based on the merits of the death of His Son Jesus. We must shift from depending on ourselves and what our flesh want us to do We must come to total dependency and commendation unto God who is able to save us to the uttermost. Only then can we say that we have met Jesus Christ personally.

Like any relationship, once you have met, you must cultivate that relationship. If you meet the girl of your dreams, but then never see her again, you won’t have a relationship with her. You must spend time together, getting to know one another through conversation and shared experiences. You learn about her history, her family, her likes and dislikes, her hopes for the future, etc. If you do something to offend her, you ask her forgiveness and learn to work through difficulties in a harmonious way.

It is the same in a personal relationship with Christ. It requires cultivation or a gradual building process and that requires reasonable amount of time. It never ceases to amaze me how a young man and a young woman can be extremely busy, but when they meet and things click between them, suddenly they can find many hours every week to be together just to fellowship. What were they doing to fill all those hours before? Whatever it was, it gets shoved aside and become not as important so that they can pursue this new relationship.

Do you often make time to spend with the Lord and shove everything else aside? It’s sure easy if you really want to know and spend time with God that you let your priority before you met the Lord to cool off, and time spent between you and the Lord in prayer, meditating in the word, fasting and worshipping to increase more and more. It becomes your duty to have a quiet time, so you get out your Bible often times, dive into it, and read a chapter a day to keep the devil away. You do that when your love for God has taken over pre-eminence over everything else.


Becoming a Christian requires that you know the Lord Jesus Christ intimately. You need to know who He claimed to be, that is eternal God in human flesh. You must know most of the things He did and taught. You need to understand that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He was raised bodily from the dead. But beyond these facts, you need to know Christ personally. That relationship begins at the moment you recognize that your sins have separated you from God and that you need a Savior.

We also realize that you cannot save yourself from God’s judgment through your efforts or good works. We let go of all human merit, and we call upon the Lord God to be merciful to us based on the merits of the death of His Son Jesus. We must shift from depending on ourselves and what our flesh want us to do We must come to total dependency and commendation unto God who is able to save us to the uttermost. Only then can we say that we have met Jesus Christ personally.

Like any relationship, once you have met, you must cultivate that relationship. If you meet the girl of your dreams, but then never see her again, you won’t have a relationship with her. You must spend time together, getting to know one another through conversation and shared experiences. You learn about her history, her family, her likes and dislikes, her hopes for the future, etc. If you do something to offend her, you ask her forgiveness and learn to work through difficulties in a harmonious way.

It is the same in a personal relationship with Christ. It requires cultivation or a gradual building process and that requires reasonable amount of time. It never ceases to amaze me how a young man and a young woman can be extremely busy, but when they meet and things click between them, suddenly they can find many hours every week to be together just to fellowship. What were they doing to fill all those hours before? Whatever it was, it gets shoved aside and become not as important so that they can pursue this new relationship.

Do you often make time to spend with the Lord and shove everything else aside? It’s sure easy if you really want to know and spend time with God that you let your priority before you met the Lord to cool off, and time spent between you and the Lord in prayer, meditating in the word, fasting and worshipping to increase more and more. It becomes your duty to have a quiet time, so you get out your Bible often times, dive into it, and read a chapter a day to keep the devil away. You do that when your love for God has taken over pre-eminence over everything else.



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