

Signs of the Times


The Second Coming of Christ will be the most important event of this generation. Christ is coming back! Make no mistake about it. Jesus’ return will not happen secretly off in some cave with no one knowing about it. Jesus Christ will literally come back to the city of Jerusalem, to the top of the Mount of Olives, to harvest souls of believers meant for eternal bliss on the entire earth! What a shock that will be to all humanity!

This event is specifically predicted throughout the Old and New Testaments of our Bible. Hundreds of millions of people at least superficially believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The Second Coming is predicted in each of the four Gospels, in the book of Acts and in the epistles of Paul, James, Peter and John. Jesus’ return is the focal point of the entire book of Revelation. If we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, then we must believe in the Second Coming of Christ.

If the King of kings is soon returning to rapture the saints before establishing the Kingdom of God upon this earth for the 1000 years rule, we should be getting ready for it. We should know how it will affect our business, our eternal future, our personal safety and everything around us. Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is the bride. It is our duty to properly and appropriately prepare for the marriage supper with the Lord else we will hear “depart from me, I know you not!”

We must know what the signs are that will precede Christ’s coming and watch for them. We must not stay in ignorance about the meaning of the events taking place around us in this End Time. Jesus commands His genuine disciples to watch and to be ready.

“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” Luke 21:36

Our entire life is about to change. Events will unfold soon to destroy the world’s way of life as we have known it. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke each contain an account of Christ teaching His disciples what to watch for before He returns. Such is seen below in the book of Luke.

“So you, likewise, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” Luke 21:31–33

Jesus Christ gave a series of signs that must occur before He returns. Evidently, the fulfilment of Christ’s prophecy would happen within the lifetime of our generation. We have seen the signs relative to that specific prophecy beginning to manifest. So Christ is coming back to this earth sooner than we think.

Not until these signs have occurred but most have! The world system are not heeding the words of Jesus Christ though we are seeing the signs coming to pass right, left and center.

Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating “Hard Times” in human history called, in biblical terminology, the “Great Tribulation.”

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive]; but for the elect’s sake who are God’s repentant, pious and obedient people, those days will be shortened” Matthew 24:21–22

We are actually in that time frame where these signs are being revealed, and many more are now being revealed. The Good News is that at the same time the gospel is being preached to the end of the earth, thank God for cyber and internet information technology, many unbelievers are turning to the Lord for example the strong Islamic nations like Iran have their citizens converting to Christianity in great proportion despite the persecutions.  These once chronic unbelievers are accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

“Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined [God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His word], but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand” Daniel 12:10 NRSV

If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, then you should pay close attention to His instruction to you.


The Second Coming of Christ will be the most important event of this generation. Christ is coming back! Make no mistake about it. Jesus’ return will not happen secretly off in some cave with no one knowing about it. Jesus Christ will literally come back to the city of Jerusalem, to the top of the Mount of Olives, to harvest souls of believers meant for eternal bliss on the entire earth! What a shock that will be to all humanity!

This event is specifically predicted throughout the Old and New Testaments of our Bible. Hundreds of millions of people at least superficially believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The Second Coming is predicted in each of the four Gospels, in the book of Acts and in the epistles of Paul, James, Peter and John. Jesus’ return is the focal point of the entire book of Revelation. If we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, then we must believe in the Second Coming of Christ.

If the King of kings is soon returning to rapture the saints before establishing the Kingdom of God upon this earth for the 1000 years rule, we should be getting ready for it. We should know how it will affect our business, our eternal future, our personal safety and everything around us. Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is the bride. It is our duty to properly and appropriately prepare for the marriage supper with the Lord else we will hear “depart from me, I know you not!”

We must know what the signs are that will precede Christ’s coming and watch for them. We must not stay in ignorance about the meaning of the events taking place around us in this End Time. Jesus commands His genuine disciples to watch and to be ready.

“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” Luke 21:36

Our entire life is about to change. Events will unfold soon to destroy the world’s way of life as we have known it. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke each contain an account of Christ teaching His disciples what to watch for before He returns. Such is seen below in the book of Luke.

“So you, likewise, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” Luke 21:31–33

Jesus Christ gave a series of signs that must occur before He returns. Evidently, the fulfilment of Christ’s prophecy would happen within the lifetime of our generation. We have seen the signs relative to that specific prophecy beginning to manifest. So Christ is coming back to this earth sooner than we think.

Not until these signs have occurred but most have! The world system are not heeding the words of Jesus Christ though we are seeing the signs coming to pass right, left and center.

Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating “Hard Times” in human history called, in biblical terminology, the “Great Tribulation.”

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive]; but for the elect’s sake who are God’s repentant, pious and obedient people, those days will be shortened” Matthew 24:21–22

We are actually in that time frame where these signs are being revealed, and many more are now being revealed. The Good News is that at the same time the gospel is being preached to the end of the earth, thank God for cyber and internet information technology, many unbelievers are turning to the Lord for example the strong Islamic nations like Iran have their citizens converting to Christianity in great proportion despite the persecutions.  These once chronic unbelievers are accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

“Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined [God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His word], but the wicked shall continue to act wickedly. None of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand” Daniel 12:10 NRSV

If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, then you should pay close attention to His instruction to you.


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