About Us
The core of our message is to showcase Christ so that we all with open face can behold and become like Him through the Word and the Spirit of God which he diligently and passionately pursue [Isa. 59:21]
Who We Are
ULIM is an international non-denominational, non-governmental Christian ministry charged with the responsibility of raising leaders in the body of Christ and making disciples through the covenant community and missions to the world.

The Story Behind Unfailing Life Int'l Ministry
ULIM is an international non-denominational, non-governmental Christian ministry charged with the responsibility teaching, comforting, edifying, correcting and stabilizing the body of Christ through the ministry of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
Our motto is Nurturing and Maturing the Saints. Taking the Good News to Nations.
The core of His message is to showcase Christ so that we all with open face can behold and become like Him through the Word and the Spirit of God which he diligently and passionately pursue [Isa. 59:21]
Our ministry is called into organizing School of Ministry to teach, train and equip upcoming ministers for excellent performance in their calling. He ministers round the globe in Churches and conferences where he passionately preach and teach all-encompassing message of Christ crucified and the End Time need to become like Jesus in preparation for the second coming of Christ.
Our Vision

We are looking forward to floating a printing press so as to copiously fulfill book writing and publishing arm of the ministry. To date the set man has written and published forty two books which are available for free download on this website.
High on our heart now is the Ministerial training ground called “UNFAILING LIFE COVENANT COMMUNITY” where Christians are to undergo short time ministerial trainings, there is rehabilitation center for drug addict, social miscreants like drug addicts and prostitutes; farm land to produce all the necessary plants and animals needed for consumption while there is also vocational training center for trades like fashion design, carpentry and electricians so that the growing university graduates can be retrained and equipped with trades with which they can go into in order to support their families.

Joses Hizkiah is a minister of Jesus Christ and helmsman of Unfailing Life International Ministry based in Lagos, Nigeria. He functions in the office of a prophet and a teacher with an apostolic tinge. He received his mandate in August 1993 from the Lord Jesus Christ to pioneer a New Testament ministry that is the channel of the Word and the Spirit.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biological studies from University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. As a sent “apostolos” man and a gift to the Body of Christ, he is sent to PREACH CHRIST and conform believers to have His image, likeness and godly virtues with emphasis on rebuilding the tabernacle of David that has fallen [Isa. 58:11-12; Amos 9:11].
The core of His message is to showcase Christ so that we all with open face can behold and become like Him through the Word and the Spirit of God which he diligently and passionately pursue [Isa. 59:21].
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