

Divine Direction


Divine Direction is the supernatural release of knowledge with wisdom for accomplishment from the throne room of grace that empowers us to be lead in the way that leads to fruitfulness in our endeavors. It is the leading of God in man’s affair; it makes us to know God’s leading and understand where, what, how, when and with whom to do what God is leading us to do. It is the accurate leading of God that leads to profit. Man’s direction always leads to frustration, contention, disappointment and failure. Man’s direction leads to rebellion and eventually witchcraft [1 Sam. 15:22].

Divine Direction is the supernatural release of knowledge with wisdom for accomplishment from the throne room of grace that empowers us to be lead in the way that leads to fruitfulness in our endeavors. It is the leading of God in man’s affair; it makes us to know God’s leading and understand where, what, how, when and with whom to do what God is leading us to do. It is the accurate leading of God that leads to profit. Man’s direction always leads to frustration, contention, disappointment and failure. Man’s direction leads to rebellion and eventually witchcraft [1 Sam. 15:22].


Divine wisdom is the knowledge and the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, insight and judgment. Right away we must understand the place of Godly wisdom in divine directions that is why the word states that he will lead us in the way that we should go. Wisdom is the Hebrew word “chakmah” and it is characterized by skill, craftsmanship, cleverness and cunning, and prudence in everyday matters. Biblical patriarchs like Daniel, Ezra and Joshua were filled with the spirit of wisdom; and it brought them great success.


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