

Feast of The Tabernacles


God’s plan for mankind involves restoration. This came as a result of the fall. The Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process which will start with the return of Jesus Christ, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, and the banishment of Satan, depicted by the Day of Atonement. Once these events have taken place, as represented by the previous Holy Days, the foundation is in place for the restoration of the creation to peace and harmony with God.

It is very important that we note that God’s plan is to RESTORE us to a literal and physical Garden of Eden as preparatory step and training for our eventual residing in the Garden there after in eternity. Remember, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it has been done in heaven.

This feast also reflects the “rest” symbolized by the weekly Sabbath. There is a REST planned by God on the seventh day of perfection, we are to work for the first six millennium and enter into REST on the seventh just like God worked on the first six days and enter into REST on the seventh. Laws were in effect for six millennium but on the seventh, GRACE kicked in…

Like Abraham our salvation, deliverance and corresponding blessings was not by works but by faith through Grace least any man boast. It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of Grace least any man boast. Those who knows their God through the Spirit and the Word enter on the seventh day unto a season where “epignosis” made them to be strong and do exploits. Many so called patriarchs out of their time crossed over by revelation knowledge and enter into REST ahead of their time or how will you explain Solomon that there was peace throughout his reign having obtained the spirit of Wisdom that negates battles as God has taken over his battles and won in the spirit realm.

God’s plan for mankind involves restoration. This came as a result of the fall. The Feast of Tabernacles symbolizes the restoration process which will start with the return of Jesus Christ, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, and the banishment of Satan, depicted by the Day of Atonement. Once these events have taken place, as represented by the previous Holy Days, the foundation is in place for the restoration of the creation to peace and harmony with God.

It is very important that we note that God’s plan is to RESTORE us to a literal and physical Garden of Eden as preparatory step and training for our eventual residing in the Garden there after in eternity. Remember, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it has been done in heaven.

This feast also reflects the “rest” symbolized by the weekly Sabbath. There is a REST planned by God on the seventh day of perfection, we are to work for the first six millennium and enter into REST on the seventh just like God worked on the first six days and enter into REST on the seventh. Laws were in effect for six millennium but on the seventh, GRACE kicked in…

Like Abraham our salvation, deliverance and corresponding blessings was not by works but by faith through Grace least any man boast. It is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of Grace least any man boast. Those who knows their God through the Spirit and the Word enter on the seventh day unto a season where “epignosis” made them to be strong and do exploits. Many so called patriarchs out of their time crossed over by revelation knowledge and enter into REST ahead of their time or how will you explain Solomon that there was peace throughout his reign having obtained the spirit of Wisdom that negates battles as God has taken over his battles and won in the spirit realm.


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