

Glorious Liberty Of The Sons Of God


Just as the days of Old, God is set to come down in His glory. The fire and the smoke are significant of the glory of God called “doxa” which is all that God has and all that God is. Sons of God are seemingly going through a tutoring and wilderness experience but God is set to set them free from bondage and impart them with the image and likeness of Jesus so that we can manifest as he manifested after the infusion of the Holy Ghost in Him [Luke 4:18].

This is the third day of this meeting… it is a day of resurrection of all the things that is dead! For God is set to come down tonight in fury against the enemies of your soul. God is descending like fire tonight to burn off all your enemies. He has come with the greatness of His power to debase every principalities and powers in the name of Jesus. The fire of the Holy Spirit is set to burn off every hindrance to your progress. The GLORY of God is coming down tonight as thick cloud and… get set for anything can happen where the Presence of God is heavily present

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:19-21 KJV

The first step is to be delivered from bondages, slavery, captivity, oppression, suppression and servitude that we have been held bound for so long because when the Son of God set us free, then we shall be free indeed.

Tonight in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, we shall be delivered from the bondages of yesteryears IJN. Barrenness, stagnation, demonization, poverty and diseases shall evaporate tonight in the mighty name of Jesus!

Just as the days of Old, God is set to come down in His glory. The fire and the smoke are significant of the glory of God called “doxa” which is all that God has and all that God is. Sons of God are seemingly going through a tutoring and wilderness experience but God is set to set them free from bondage and impart them with the image and likeness of Jesus so that we can manifest as he manifested after the infusion of the Holy Ghost in Him [Luke 4:18].

This is the third day of this meeting… it is a day of resurrection of all the things that is dead! For God is set to come down tonight in fury against the enemies of your soul. God is descending like fire tonight to burn off all your enemies. He has come with the greatness of His power to debase every principalities and powers in the name of Jesus. The fire of the Holy Spirit is set to burn off every hindrance to your progress. The GLORY of God is coming down tonight as thick cloud and… get set for anything can happen where the Presence of God is heavily present

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:19-21 KJV

The first step is to be delivered from bondages, slavery, captivity, oppression, suppression and servitude that we have been held bound for so long because when the Son of God set us free, then we shall be free indeed.

Tonight in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, we shall be delivered from the bondages of yesteryears IJN. Barrenness, stagnation, demonization, poverty and diseases shall evaporate tonight in the mighty name of Jesus!


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