

Harvest In Revival Times


The harvest we are looking at has to do with the ingathering of souls into the Kingdom of God in this particular season where Jesus is saying to us today that while we are still thinking that the harvest of soul is not yet, the souls to be harvest is ready while the Lord of the Harvest has given out all necessary instrument, grace and spiritual equipment needed to reap the fruits and bring them into the Kingdom of God which is the barn where this particular harvest will be stored until the Lord Jesus Christ will come to transport them into the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus Christ in this story showed us the pattern of harvesting souls. He was filled with the Holy Ghost and He went about the towns and villages, preaching salvation unto all men, healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the leper and releasing the bound from captivity. We are to follow this pattern. We are to go from our Jerusalem, to our Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth under the influence of the Power of the Holy Spirit to do the same works, even greater works.

The problem that Jesus Christ envisaged however is that labourers and harvesters are few compared to the harvest that is huge and ripe. While harvesters were few, like the early disciples we are admonished to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send harvesters or more reapers to harvest the souls ready to be brought into the Kingdom of God.

Please note that Jesus is not saying there are not enough five-fold ministers over many slumbering Churches, He is saying there are few saints who are trained, willing, ready to do the works of reaping the souls of men and can be sent [apostolos]into the nations to do this End Time work. Our prayers is to seek the face of the heavenly Father to now quickly prepare saints in spiritual boot camp or training school such that they can be sent to be “witnesses” unto the redemptive plan of God in Christ and in this season bring in souls into the kingdom.

“He that gathers in summer [is] a wise son: [but] he that sleeps in harvest [is] a son that causes shame” Prov. 10:5

All Christians are expected to gather souls into the kingdom of God.

“The slothful man roast not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious” Prov. 12:27

APART from reaping the harvest, is the discipleship job given to us by the Lord [Matt. 28:18-20], that as we are the salt of the earth, we should make sure by the ministering of the word and conformity to Christ [2 Cor. 3:18], make sure that the souls harvested are preserved and not go back to their vomit like a dog so that they can eventually make it into the kingdom of heaven. It is our duty and responsibility. We must discern both the day of our own visitation and the season of the Lord’s coming back

Both the initial saving of the souls of men and the continual teaching so as to disciple and bring them to maturity is done by one preaching the Word of God, others hearing the Word of God [Deut. 8:3], living spiritually speaking is clinched on every word that proceed out of the mouth of God or who His authorized agents speak on His behalf. Ultimately such words must be breathed upon by the Holy Spirit who engraft it in the heart of men and brings conviction unto salvation of their souls. It is a search and rescue mission!

It is the season whereby the sanctified, pure and holy bride, and sons of the Kingdom will begin to emerge, this remnant will take their place within the Body of Christ after the order of the prophetic words that have gone forth concerning the army of the Lord [Joel 1]. It will be like the days Joshua met the Lord Jesus, there shall be the sword in the hand of the Lord to cut down all hindrances to deliver Jericho and match to Mount Zion to bring the people into the vineyard of God.

Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness, but the season has come for Joshua who represent the Remnant to transit from Rod ministry to the Word ministry, the word will not depart from their mouth day and night [Joshua 1:8] and they will quench all the advances of the kingdom of darkness by the sword of the spirit that is sharper than any two edged sword [Heb. 4:12].

Upon these remnants shall be the overcomers anointing to overcome any assault from the kingdom of darkness. They will go in the spirit and power of Elijah and confront every powers released from the kingdom of darkness. Many End Time deliverers will rise from obscurity like Joseph from prison but they will take over and will lead the people out of bondage into the Promised Land.

The harvest we are looking at has to do with the ingathering of souls into the Kingdom of God in this particular season where Jesus is saying to us today that while we are still thinking that the harvest of soul is not yet, the souls to be harvest is ready while the Lord of the Harvest has given out all necessary instrument, grace and spiritual equipment needed to reap the fruits and bring them into the Kingdom of God which is the barn where this particular harvest will be stored until the Lord Jesus Christ will come to transport them into the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus Christ in this story showed us the pattern of harvesting souls. He was filled with the Holy Ghost and He went about the towns and villages, preaching salvation unto all men, healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the leper and releasing the bound from captivity. We are to follow this pattern. We are to go from our Jerusalem, to our Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth under the influence of the Power of the Holy Spirit to do the same works, even greater works.

The problem that Jesus Christ envisaged however is that labourers and harvesters are few compared to the harvest that is huge and ripe. While harvesters were few, like the early disciples we are admonished to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send harvesters or more reapers to harvest the souls ready to be brought into the Kingdom of God.

Please note that Jesus is not saying there are not enough five-fold ministers over many slumbering Churches, He is saying there are few saints who are trained, willing, ready to do the works of reaping the souls of men and can be sent [apostolos]into the nations to do this End Time work. Our prayers is to seek the face of the heavenly Father to now quickly prepare saints in spiritual boot camp or training school such that they can be sent to be “witnesses” unto the redemptive plan of God in Christ and in this season bring in souls into the kingdom.

“He that gathers in summer [is] a wise son: [but] he that sleeps in harvest [is] a son that causes shame” Prov. 10:5

All Christians are expected to gather souls into the kingdom of God.

“The slothful man roast not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious” Prov. 12:27

APART from reaping the harvest, is the discipleship job given to us by the Lord [Matt. 28:18-20], that as we are the salt of the earth, we should make sure by the ministering of the word and conformity to Christ [2 Cor. 3:18], make sure that the souls harvested are preserved and not go back to their vomit like a dog so that they can eventually make it into the kingdom of heaven. It is our duty and responsibility. We must discern both the day of our own visitation and the season of the Lord’s coming back

Both the initial saving of the souls of men and the continual teaching so as to disciple and bring them to maturity is done by one preaching the Word of God, others hearing the Word of God [Deut. 8:3], living spiritually speaking is clinched on every word that proceed out of the mouth of God or who His authorized agents speak on His behalf. Ultimately such words must be breathed upon by the Holy Spirit who engraft it in the heart of men and brings conviction unto salvation of their souls. It is a search and rescue mission!

It is the season whereby the sanctified, pure and holy bride, and sons of the Kingdom will begin to emerge, this remnant will take their place within the Body of Christ after the order of the prophetic words that have gone forth concerning the army of the Lord [Joel 1]. It will be like the days Joshua met the Lord Jesus, there shall be the sword in the hand of the Lord to cut down all hindrances to deliver Jericho and match to Mount Zion to bring the people into the vineyard of God.

Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness, but the season has come for Joshua who represent the Remnant to transit from Rod ministry to the Word ministry, the word will not depart from their mouth day and night [Joshua 1:8] and they will quench all the advances of the kingdom of darkness by the sword of the spirit that is sharper than any two edged sword [Heb. 4:12].

Upon these remnants shall be the overcomers anointing to overcome any assault from the kingdom of darkness. They will go in the spirit and power of Elijah and confront every powers released from the kingdom of darkness. Many End Time deliverers will rise from obscurity like Joseph from prison but they will take over and will lead the people out of bondage into the Promised Land.


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