

Remember Lot’s Wife


God had mercy on Lot and his family due to the intercession of Abraham and He thereby sent angels to bring them out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed; however Lot and family lingered and were lethargic to the point that the angels had to forcefully bring them out of the perishing land. This is the basis for our initial study to see how procrastination, laziness, indifferent or nonchalant attitude, and idleness often negatively affect one’s productivity, blessings or advancement in the things of the Kingdom of God.

“The soul of the sluggard desires, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat” Prov. 13:4 KJV

“The lazy person craves, yet receives nothing, but the desires of the diligent are satisfied” Prov. 13:4 ISV

Lethargy has to do with aversion or disinterest to work or do what is right, laziness, lingering to do a work, sluggard, weariness, stupor, fatigue, slothfulness, sluggishness, tardiness, dormancy, idleness, hesitation, procrastination, deferring what ought to be done now till later, postpone, delay and slow to take action. It is a state of inaction, slackness, a state of comatose stupor or to put off something you ought to do now, till a later time.

When Christ our Lord and Savior ascended to heaven, He gave gifts unto men (as the bible says) to serve in the Kingdom of God as both the Five Fold ministers and supportive ministers like ushers, choir, prayer warrior, administrative workers in the Church office and prayer warriors. Same way men are equipped to excel in their God given vocations, business and physical works. We are all equipped such that whatever it is that we are called to do, God gives us the grace, power, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, glory and other divine apparatus needed to do the work either physical or spiritual.

However we find out that even with that, many are slothful and do not do or finish the work committed into their hands. Sometimes people say they are waiting for the prompting of God when He had signaled to start by giving a word, dream, vision or prophecy. Can you imagine Abraham sitting still and saying that he is waiting for God to leave the Ur of the Chaldeans? Yes, to balance this up, there is the leading of the Holy Spirit to be considered. The same Holy One that led Paul to minister to the gentiles prevented him from going to Bithynia, led him through a dream to go to Macedonia. Sensitivity to the voice of the Spirit is pivotal in fulfilling Kingdom mandate. It is also not unbiblical to with patience wait a little bit even in ignorance before moving on without proper confirmation of God’s will and timing. At least Gideon‘s fleece [Judges 6:37-40] made him to be cock sure of what God wanted him to do. To be slow to action while confirming if it is God or to be ignorant of the intent of God at that particular time does not mean one is slothful or lethargic.

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God had mercy on Lot and his family due to the intercession of Abraham and He thereby sent angels to bring them out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed; however Lot and family lingered and were lethargic to the point that the angels had to forcefully bring them out of the perishing land. This is the basis for our initial study to see how procrastination, laziness, indifferent or nonchalant attitude, and idleness often negatively affect one’s productivity, blessings or advancement in the things of the Kingdom of God.

“The soul of the sluggard desires, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat” Prov. 13:4 KJV

“The lazy person craves, yet receives nothing, but the desires of the diligent are satisfied” Prov. 13:4 ISV

Lethargy has to do with aversion or disinterest to work or do what is right, laziness, lingering to do a work, sluggard, weariness, stupor, fatigue, slothfulness, sluggishness, tardiness, dormancy, idleness, hesitation, procrastination, deferring what ought to be done now till later, postpone, delay and slow to take action. It is a state of inaction, slackness, a state of comatose stupor or to put off something you ought to do now, till a later time.

When Christ our Lord and Savior ascended to heaven, He gave gifts unto men (as the bible says) to serve in the Kingdom of God as both the Five Fold ministers and supportive ministers like ushers, choir, prayer warrior, administrative workers in the Church office and prayer warriors. Same way men are equipped to excel in their God given vocations, business and physical works. We are all equipped such that whatever it is that we are called to do, God gives us the grace, power, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, glory and other divine apparatus needed to do the work either physical or spiritual.

However we find out that even with that, many are slothful and do not do or finish the work committed into their hands. Sometimes people say they are waiting for the prompting of God when He had signaled to start by giving a word, dream, vision or prophecy. Can you imagine Abraham sitting still and saying that he is waiting for God to leave the Ur of the Chaldeans? Yes, to balance this up, there is the leading of the Holy Spirit to be considered. The same Holy One that led Paul to minister to the gentiles prevented him from going to Bithynia, led him through a dream to go to Macedonia. Sensitivity to the voice of the Spirit is pivotal in fulfilling Kingdom mandate. It is also not unbiblical to with patience wait a little bit even in ignorance before moving on without proper confirmation of God’s will and timing. At least Gideon‘s fleece [Judges 6:37-40] made him to be cock sure of what God wanted him to do. To be slow to action while confirming if it is God or to be ignorant of the intent of God at that particular time does not mean one is slothful or lethargic.


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