

Revive Us Again


“Lord, your love has poured out so many amazing blessings on our land! You’ve restored Jacob’s destiny from captivity. You have forgiven our many sins and covered every one of them in your love. Pause in his presence. So now it’s obvious that your blazing anger has ended and the furious fire of wrath has been extinguished by your mercy. So bring us back to loving you, God our Savior. Restore our hearts so that we’ll never again feel your anger rise against us. Will you forever hold a grudge? Will your anger endure for all time? Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of your love on us! Reveal more of your kindness and restore us back to you!” Psalm 85:1-7 

The above psalm was written after the end of the seventy years of captivity when Israel was still walking in their backslidden state, they had turned to idol worshipping and carousing in sin but eventually they cried out to the Lord for mercy and deliverance. They were brought out of captivity, returned to their land but God beckoned unto them to return to Him until their sin of idolatry be purged from their lives. Even now though it seem like we are building more cathedrals and there seem to be more people in the Church but God is looking for those whose heart is pure towards Him and they are serving Him in Truth and in Spirit.

We pose the same question today… O God, will you revive us that we might serve you? Our fervency and fire is gone out will you revive us again? We must cry “fill us with your Holy Spirit again” and cause us to live right with you! Only then will our spiritual fire be set ablaze and we will be ignited again with Holy Ghost fire! We must be set ablaze before we can disciple others and set them ablaze also!

God is looking for a people who will set cities and nations ablaze and will reap a harvest of souls in these last days. God wants men and women who will totally yield themselves, who will let the Holy Spirit do a work on the inside of them and will let the fire purge and cleanse them so that they can be filled with glory and shine like gold. It’s time for the church to step up higher, to step into a new dimension of glory, authority and power as there is a fresh inrush of the Holy Spirit who will ignite us with fire and make us to become like the 300 foxes of Samson who went everywhere spreading the gospel fire and causing a reviving of souls, such must be fire brand and witnesses of Jesus Christ by the quickening power of the Holy Spirit [Acts 1:8].


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