


Without Faith


Faith is not a mental accent. It allows us to see our lives from the possible realm knowing that believing and trusting God creates avenue for the manifestation of God’s intent and purpose in our lives. We cannot afford to live by sight or what we see only [2 Cor. 5:6-9]. It is faith that allows us to see the way of escape and even grace to bear predicaments of life because it gives substance to the earnest expectation [hope] that we have in God. You can actually begin to enjoy eternity now with the trust in God that your faith creates which also takes away the agitations of life and bring you into rest and peace.

Faith is the ability to look away from the visible and latch on to the invisible, it involves calling forth the physical manifestation of what you believed God for having seen it in the spirit and believed God for the physical manifestation of it; simply I believe and speak forth what I believe and there shall be a performance of it once it lines up with the will of God.

Faith has the undertone of the things that must be manifested in the natural but faith draws it down from the supernatural into the natural realm through the power of God. It creates ability to look away from the temporal viewpoint in order to look at what we know that is true [word of God], and that must be birthed forth or come to pass. If we want to experience freedom from sin, bondages, guilt, sorrows, we must come on the platform of faith in God because only those who believe and trust God will receive this free unmerited grace of God.

We can only live in harmony with God’s word or unveiled truth when we are focused on the God’s kind of Faith which believes and then brings to pass the intent of God in our lives, health, vocation and ministries. Without faith, we cannot be saved which is the first step in order to have an enduring relationship with God. It is the eternal truth that gives us the proper perspective and faith is impossible without both.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Heb. 11:3 NIV

God’s command is His infallible word that cannot fail but yield according to what God declares or decrees. When God speaks just as He spoke the light, sun, moon, animals, waters, land into existence, He was using the divine oratory power to bring into existence his words through the spoken words so that the visible world can be created out of the invisible realm. God is reliable and dependable, so are His words! This gives Him an unshakable assurance to maintain His faith in this world

But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out] Hebrews 11:6 AMP

Faith is not a mental accent. It allows us to see our lives from the possible realm knowing that believing and trusting God creates avenue for the manifestation of God’s intent and purpose in our lives. We cannot afford to live by sight or what we see only [2 Cor. 5:6-9]. It is faith that allows us to see the way of escape and even grace to bear predicaments of life because it gives substance to the earnest expectation [hope] that we have in God. You can actually begin to enjoy eternity now with the trust in God that your faith creates which also takes away the agitations of life and bring you into rest and peace.


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