

Birthing Forth Your Rehoboth


Isaac was the promised son of Abraham and Sarah in their old age. He must have been continually hearing the good-news about walking by faith with God from his father. He heard stories of God’s faithfulness in the midst of impossible circumstances which made it easy for him to deal with his own share or series of adversities when he grew up. So if you find yourself in an anxious season of difficult transition, take comfort from the life of Isaac.

We all have a place in our hearts called “there.”  Our place called “there” is a place of rest, a place of promise, a place of freedom, a place of purpose and a place of destiny fulfilment. We may have gone through several struggles in life but we are looking out for that place where God has promised to do us good; where His precious promises are birthed forth and our dreams and visions come true! We are assured by the force of the Word of God that what He promised, He is well able to do because God is not a man that will lie nor son of man that will repent [Numbers 23:19].

However the truth of the matter is that when you go through the valley of the shadow of death before your season of birthing forth, things that are happening in the natural seems to be quite the opposite of the promises that God has made.

Especially when the demonic controlling forces or kingdom of darkness seem to be contending with us in battle. However, we do have an assurance in God who is expecting us not to give up despite the contentions and the strivings for we KNOW that victory is assured if we faint not. God will have us to switch from battling physically to battling in the realm of the spirit and contend against the forces of darkness and their agents that are militating against our breaking forth into the land of promise or that place called ‘there”.

Isaac was the promised son of Abraham and Sarah in their old age. He must have been continually hearing the good-news about walking by faith with God from his father. He heard stories of God’s faithfulness in the midst of impossible circumstances which made it easy for him to deal with his own share or series of adversities when he grew up. So if you find yourself in an anxious season of difficult transition, take comfort from the life of Isaac.

We all have a place in our hearts called “there.”  Our place called “there” is a place of rest, a place of promise, a place of freedom, a place of purpose and a place of destiny fulfilment. We may have gone through several struggles in life but we are looking out for that place where God has promised to do us good; where His precious promises are birthed forth and our dreams and visions come true! We are assured by the force of the Word of God that what He promised, He is well able to do because God is not a man that will lie nor son of man that will repent [Numbers 23:19].

However the truth of the matter is that when you go through the valley of the shadow of death before your season of birthing forth, things that are happening in the natural seems to be quite the opposite of the promises that God has made.

Especially when the demonic controlling forces or kingdom of darkness seem to be contending with us in battle. However, we do have an assurance in God who is expecting us not to give up despite the contentions and the strivings for we KNOW that victory is assured if we faint not. God will have us to switch from battling physically to battling in the realm of the spirit and contend against the forces of darkness and their agents that are militating against our breaking forth into the land of promise or that place called ‘there”.

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