Every time Christians especially Ministers of the Gospel display extraordinary or supernatural feats that seem to be above the natural, there is a force or the supernatural that gives us the divine ability or grace to do so, His name is God and our sufficiency is of and from Him.
“For they did not get the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, and Your arm, and the light of Your face, because You FAVORED them” Psalms 44:3Â
Whenever you procure even earthly things and you know that it is beyond your natural capacity to do so, you should know that there is a God of all sufficiency that has given it to you that it might be said that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!
“I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were ENRICHED IN EVERYTHING by Him, IN ALL utterance and ALL knowledge” I Corinthians 1:4-5 KJV
“I am always thanking my God for you because he has given you such FREE AND OPEN ACCESS TO HIS GRACE through your union with Jesus, the Messiah. In him you have been MADE EXTRAVAGANTLY RICH IN EVERY WAY. You have been ENDOWED WITH A WEALTH of inspired utterance and the RICHES that come from your INTIMATE NOWLEDGE of him” 1 Cor. 1:4-5 TPT
God has given us FREE AND OPEN ACCESS or blank bank check to His Grace through our union with Jesus and we have been made extravagantly rich in every way, be it wealth of utterance or riches that come because of intimate knowledge of God and His ability to give exceedingly, abundantly far above what we ask or even imagine possible according to His power which is at work in us [Eph. 3:20].
Dimensions of results and possibilities that are not normal but mega or abundant, and supernatural wealth and riches of His Grace has been given to us all. It is God that gives us the divine grace to be saturated or endowed with what is needed to do those things that are beyond normal but supernatural so that we are full of the blessings that come from the Throne Room of Grace or we are able to perform supernatural feats that only the right hand of the Lord can orchestrate.
Intimate knowledge of God intimate us with the wealth and riches of His Grace available to us since we are now joint heirs with Christ and adopted sons of the Father [Romans 8:15-17].
In ourselves and outside of these supernatural provision from the Throne Room, we are not much. It is God’s grace that gives us the adequacy and equipping to do those things that now classify us as a sign and a wonder. It is because God had granted us the divine ability and adequacy that is above what mere or ordinary men can have or do.
To be sufficient means to have that which is enough for the purpose intended. That is to have sufficiency in anointing, power, good health, blessings, favor, wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity as at when needed. It is possessing something that is enough, or the quality of having what is good enough for a particular purpose or need.
The sufficiency of the All-sufficient God therefore is the adequacy of the provisions of the Lord God Almighty that can never be exhausted or run dry. He is the God who is more than enough to adequately handle all the needs of all His creatures without running short of supply. He is the El-Shaddai God! The Big Breasted God! It is His supernatural capacity that empowers us. God commands all forces like ravens were commanded to bring Elijah bread for sustenance. Heaven and earth bows at His feet to provide what is needed per time so that you might be sufficient in all things.
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