MEDITATION is a combination of a lot of things including reviewing, repeatedly ponde ring over, r e p l i c a t i n g , t h i n k i n g , a n a l y z i n g , contemplating, experiencing, mumbling and speaking softly on a matter and it is both a physical and spiritual activity. God and His word plays very important role here because as we ponder on His goodness and believe it, so God unveils more glorious possibilities and so we see the ability of God to bring other things to pass through our continuous looking at or positively considering God’s Word, It is synonymous with the words ponder, ruminate, muse and brood over.
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Meditation In The Word
MEDITATION is a combination of a lot Mof things including reviewing, repeatedly ponde ring over, r e p l i c a t i n g , t h i n k i n g , a n a l y z i n g , contemplating, experiencing, mumbling and speaking softly on a matter and it is both a physical and spiritual activity. God and His word plays very important role here because as we ponder on His goodness and believe it, so God unveils more glorious possibilities and so we see the ability of God to bring other things to pass through our continuous looking at or positively considering God’s Word, It is synonymous with the words ponder, ruminate, muse and brood over.
Category Spiritual Growth
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