

The Illimitable God


Illimitability simply means God is never limited in what He is set to do. He is unlimited in what He can do for us as His children. All that we will ever need come from God. He owns all things including the power, glory and majesty. He is the Lord God and He does exceedingly, abundantly, far above what we ask or think according to His power at work in us [Eph. 3:20].


It is us who put shackles upon God and bind Him from helping us. We cannot keep Him from managing the sun, moon and stars above us, but we can prevent, hinder or limit Him from blessing, promoting, empowering and providing our needs forgetting that He has riches in glory by Christ Jesus. What a description of what some believers has done with the God who created them and the God who wants to work His will within us and for us. We speak “thy will be done on earth”, but it is only with our lips and not with our hearts.


We limit the unlimited God. The word “limited” as used in our text means “to set a mark upon” or “to set boundaries upon.” It is to prevent God from maximum capacity of all that He could have done in, through and for us. It is putting God in a small little box so that He will not be able to carry out His divine and dedicated purpose within us. It is drawing a boundary line beyond which He must not pass.


It is like saying “God you can heal my headache but not my cancer… Let the doctors perform surgery to remove the cancer in Jesus name”. Think of it: God hangs the planets like Venus, Plato, Jupiter, even the sun, moon and the stars in outer space, but He has a difficult time managing the human heart because of man’s resistance and limited believe in God’s ability. Imagine, the human heart, a throne-room that was meant for God, but uprooted by man’s pride and unbelief that resists God and willing to prevent God in fully expressing all His abilities in his life.


We do indeed have a great God. Nothing is impossible with Him. By His mighty power He is able to accomplish all things. He is not bound by our human limitations such as time and place. He is completely unrestricted by anything in His sovereign will which He desires to do. But though God is not restricted in Himself, He is restricted in us. This is precisely what Israel did according to the words of our text: “They turned back and tested God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” [Psalm 78:41].  They constrained, hindered, restricted and resisted what He wanted to do for them.


Illimitability simply means God is never limited in what He is set to do. He is unlimited in what He can do for us as His children. All that we will ever need come from God. He owns all things including the power, glory and majesty. He is the Lord God and He does exceedingly, abundantly, far above what we ask or think according to His power at work in us [Eph. 3:20].


It is us who put shackles upon God and bind Him from helping us. We cannot keep Him from managing the sun, moon and stars above us, but we can prevent, hinder or limit Him from blessing, promoting, empowering and providing our needs forgetting that He has riches in glory by Christ Jesus. What a description of what some believers has done with the God who created them and the God who wants to work His will within us and for us. We speak “thy will be done on earth”, but it is only with our lips and not with our hearts.


We limit the unlimited God. The word “limited” as used in our text means “to set a mark upon” or “to set boundaries upon.” It is to prevent God from maximum capacity of all that He could have done in, through and for us. It is putting God in a small little box so that He will not be able to carry out His divine and dedicated purpose within us. It is drawing a boundary line beyond which He must not pass.


It is like saying “God you can heal my headache but not my cancer… Let the doctors perform surgery to remove the cancer in Jesus name”. Think of it: God hangs the planets like Venus, Plato, Jupiter, even the sun, moon and the stars in outer space, but He has a difficult time managing the human heart because of man’s resistance and limited believe in God’s ability. Imagine, the human heart, a throne-room that was meant for God, but uprooted by man’s pride and unbelief that resists God and willing to prevent God in fully expressing all His abilities in his life.


We do indeed have a great God. Nothing is impossible with Him. By His mighty power He is able to accomplish all things. He is not bound by our human limitations such as time and place. He is completely unrestricted by anything in His sovereign will which He desires to do. But though God is not restricted in Himself, He is restricted in us. This is precisely what Israel did according to the words of our text: “They turned back and tested God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” [Psalm 78:41].  They constrained, hindered, restricted and resisted what He wanted to do for them.



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